Wednesday 27 April 2011

Stages in a Relationship

I was watching a video by WongFu Productions, watch the trailer here: Strangers, Again.

The video is about a couple who are at the end of their relationship, the guy (Josh) looks back over their time together and identifies each stage of the relationship they shift into.

The stages are as follows:

Stage One: Meeting

Starting off as strangers.

Stage Two: The Chase

Getting to know each other.

Stage Three: The Honeymoon

Always wanting to be with each other...

Stage Four: Comfortable

Truely being yourself with your partner, but at this stage, you can either:

* Continue to work at your relationship and grow it together
* Allow it to create distance.

Stage Five: Tolerance

Starting to see the other person differently (badly) and arguing. The relationship "isn't bad, but it isn't good".

Stage Six: Downhill

When trying to make things work out , don't.

Stage Seven: Breaking Up

The end of the line and you go back to where you start - as strangers.

I've only heard of a "honeymoon" period in a relationship but as I was talking to with Mr A. one time - I would try hard not to let that "stage" end. I guess when you don't really make time for each other or even cherish each other as you once used to... Things can start going downhill.

So, look after each other and try not to take each other for granted!!
