Friday 30 March 2012


This one line from the movie 'Closer' pretty much sums it up for me:

"There's always a moment, "I can do this, I can give in to this, or I can resist it." And I don't know when your moment was, but I bet you there was one."
Is it worth it throw your relationship away?
I was also reading this blog on cheating: *click here* and the summary kinda goes like this: not cheating is a whole lot easier than cheating! With cheating, comes all the guilt, lying and sneaking around. Save yourself the hassle and do the honourable thing before hooking up with another person.
To sum up this post, you will most likely meet many people along your path of life, some you will get on with much better than others. Look out for that moment, there will probably come a time that you may get tempted...
Just try to make the right decision and do the right thing if you want to embark on another adventure with somebody else... 
Disclaimer: Not trying to sound lecture-y or patronising. Just stating my opinions.