Saturday 5 January 2013

An *Unlikely* Love Story...

"Where do I begin 
To tell the story of how great a love can be 
The sweet love story that is older than the sea 
The simple truth about the love she brings to me 
Where do I start."

Andy Williams - "Where Do I Begin (Love Story)."

Where indeed.
Where do you meet the person who could become the love of your life?
It would be a complete stranger I'd keep seeing again and again until one day, conversation sparkled... We'd get to know each other more and more... Until we'd fall in love. I always imagined that it would be as if fate were pushing you both together.
But where?

For me, the most romantic place to meet someone is:

On the Train

Meeting someone on the way to work and falling in love, surely breaks the dreary routine - because it's something you wouldn't expect.
Except that I always expected it! Or at least, willed it to happen...
It never did.

At the Library

Imagine this: I'd be intensely stuck into one of my romantic books and as my eyes lift from the book I'm reading, I catch the gaze of a fellow book reader nearby, who appears equally engrossed in his book. We'd smile briefly, return back to reading, occasionally glancing at each other... Until one of us musters the courage to speak to each other, saying something totally charming and adorable of course.

I used to go to the library in the City a lot during my first year at University. Now it's getting re-constructed so cue end of dream for me! My dreams then transferred to the University library... Unfortunately, I never did fall in love with anyone hanging around the Nursing section of the library!

In School/University

I'm not going to lie. This didn't happen - not even a LITTLE bit! I went to an all girl Catholic secondary school and sixth form, followed by a nursing degree at University. I bade goodbye to my dreams of meeting my boyfriend before class, to pass notes together during lectures., to have someone to carry my books to and fro...


And I swear, I'm not bitter, but it leaves me wondering...