Friday 5 February 2016

How To...

Know When It's All Over.

Sometimes, it's the people who you love the most, who can cause you the most damage and hurt. 
- Why?
Because you gave your heart to them and trusted them not to break it... But it can happen. Whether they intentionally crushed it, slowly and painfully or, they've dropped your heart so quickly, so that it shatters everywhere...

It just doesn't feel the same anymore and you're left holding the pieces of your broken heart.

But how do you know when it's time to move on, or hold on?

Move On

If they show you or tell you that they no longer love you.
-Isn't that obvious? Time to go. You can't force someone to love you.

If you both don't have the same goals anymore and neither of you want to compromise.
-What's the future for you both? Would you be happy to stay in that same situation? What's important to you?

If they no longer respect you, e.g. they've cheated or treated you horribly, etc
-Just get out of it. You deserve better.

If you can't forgive them
-Maybe they've done something that you can never let go of, or they've commited one of the ultimate deal breakers.

Holding on.

You both want to make it work
-You both agree to forgive and forget and to put effort into restoring the relationship.

 You're both still in love with each other
-Utterly so, that you couldn't imagine being with anyone else and you both don't want to be with anyone else.

Possibly, if you have had children together (I don't have experience with this).
-But you could consider a trial separation before going through with anything too drastic. At the same time, it might be selfish, but consider how you and your feelings would be affected, if you stayed together.

I conclude with this quote: 
"Not everyone is meant to be in your future. Some people are just passing through to teach you a lesson in life."

In which case, I have been schooled! 



  1. Wish i read this like a year and a half ago. I remember spending ages re-reading old whatsapp messages. Holding on...driving me crazy, but after moving is indeed one of the best lessons i learnt. Good post! :)

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