Wednesday 20 July 2016

How To...

Live Again (after a break-up).

So things didn't turn out the way you were hoping.
That person wasn't who you thought they were.
You've broken up and now feel lonely, lost (and betrayed).
And although it feels as if you are completely and utterly alone, isolated in all your heart break and hurt... If it helps, you aren't the only one. 

Let's go through this together.

Introducing "the Five Stages of Loss and Grief" by Kubler-Ross. Although it was originally intended to be used towards the subject of death/dying, it can be applied to almost any situation. 

In this case we will use it to heal ourselves after a break up.
Now follow me on this, these thoughts may have run through your head at some point;

1). Denial: "There's no possible effin way that happened... Did it? Maybe I'm imagining it..."

2). Anger: "I'm gonna kill that mo-fo a**hole!!" 

3). Bargaining: "Maybe if I change then..."
4). Depression: "My life is over. What's the point of living without love...?"

5). Acceptance: "Ok... Dodged a bullet there, it's time to get out of this funk". 

I think it's important to note that there is no particular time line specified for each stage. Some may spend longer dwelling over one point, than other people and that's perfectly OK. We all need time to heal. However, I advise that you surround yourself with people who actually do love and care about you to help you move on

Taking into account that this was meant to help counsel those left behind by their loved ones... I found this tagline that came along with it:

"Because Love never dies."

So don't give up! Let love live on! 


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